So my name is Veronika and I come from small town in Czech Republic ...
I ve decided to write this blog, because there is alot of places which people who dont do surf or kitesurf usually dont visit . Why? Because they don´t see any good reason to visit....

.....and I will try to get the places closer to you. Because I grew up in those places, but I was always too scared to try the sports like a kite or windsurfing. So I had to find some way how to enjoy the time on windy, wavy, crazy places which are for people who dont do any of those sports uninteresting ... and they dont realize, what they re loosing.... I hope you will like my post.
P.S I m still learning, how to work with blogger, so sorry for my mess here, I hope I will improve every post I add :)

P.S 2, I was always bad in english grammar so sorry for that, I hope you forgive it to me, but I want everyone had a chance to see the beauty of the places I visit :))
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