Another wonderful trip to Cabarete...
This spring I had really hard time to decide where I will go this summer. After loong time thinking I decided to listen my heart. So I went back to Cabarete.
But this time it was really different. It was first time without all-inclusive bracelet and I didnt fly directly to Puerto Plata, but to Santo Domingo.
First days

Sometime we gotta loose something to gain something better. I admit I still struggle with that loosing "friend" or whatever it was...
But that "wrong" experience brought me incredible moments, maybe the best moments of my life!
Who knows ?? I dont ...
But I m sure that without it i would be still surrounded by "pankies" and I would never give a chance to " normal " people, who dont ask for more than friendship and good time.
Kick your ass and start do something!
Lets say, that there are moments when you get help from someone, from who you dont expect it and miracles can begin,

For me was the first "miracle" Full moon party. I met there one I think now I can say friend who offered me wonderful place to stay (which I could never afford) ... and durring conversation with another people and all those people made me think! Like really think! I was super scared of any water sports .... I dont know I just feel like I gotta die in the water.
But all of them were talking about kite and surf like the best thing ever ... and honestly... I grew up in community of kiters and surfers but nothing made feel like I really want to do it UNTIL NOW!
So another day I went to surf school and took the lesson, unfortunatelly one place I stayed before kept my money I had to stop... but like somebody says we never know what will life bring on...
Me ? Kite?!
So the second best thing was meeting Kelvin Corniel... Not just because party time with him is fun, but the real reason is, that he really knows how to calm people down... although you have kite in the air...
(for me something impossible 3 days ago), before I used to think I gotta fly away, when I keep the kite in the air... Last 3 days I got proved, that its not really neccessary.
Good about his lessons is that he doesnt teach you only kite, but he teaches you how to think in your normal life and makes think that bad things really happend for something.
I m curious if it will work also in the water haha,
Seriously, I wish I could have more time to learn from him, and I can say I ll always recommend his lessons to everyone, who asks me about learning kite in Cabarete.

Life without All inclusive?
Honestly, dont trust nobody who says that it is cheaper ! NO! You spend money for every stupid thing ... and sometimes happends that somebody just takes your money... (But usually its your mistake) ....
But being without this bracelet you get chance to meet people who can change your life forever. And I think this is what happened me. Because if you like real travelling... with AI bracelet you never get a chance to meet same spirits and try real taste of your favorite country!
The moment when you realize, that you re not anymore in Viva, but that you re there on your own.
But instead of this you have breakfast right on the beach.
And chill with total foreigners, who share the love for Cabarete.
Having lunch in with different view
Live in luxury flat on your own ...
Try food, which you would never put in to your mouth, because the combination seems to you too crazy.
... Atleast this is what happened to me! Never ending story! ...
The moment when you realize, that you re not anymore in Viva, but that you re there on your own.
But instead of this you have breakfast right on the beach.
And chill with total foreigners, who share the love for Cabarete.
Having lunch in with different view
Live in luxury flat on your own ...
Try food, which you would never put in to your mouth, because the combination seems to you too crazy.
... Atleast this is what happened to me! Never ending story! ...
....Can not wait for another chapter...
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